Tuesday 26 February 2013

Use of Shutter Speed while capturing waterfalls

For capturing subjects like waterfall, where capturing the flow of water gives an artistic effect, it is advisable to use a very slow shutter speed.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Shutter Speed Concept Illustrated

Shutter speed is the Measurement of the time the shutter is open, in seconds or fractions of a second. It is expressed as fractions of a second as 1 s, 1/2 s, 1/4 s … 1/250 s, 1/ 500 s. The faster the shutter speed, the shorter the time the image sensor is exposed to light and less is the exposure assuming rest all settings are same. Increasing shutter speed by one step halves the amount of time the shutter is open and vice verse.

How Shutter Speed Works