Monday 31 December 2012

Depth of Field

Depth of Field is the zone of sharpness around the subject. Smaller the DOF means a small area is in focus and rest is blurred, higher DOF means a large is in focus.

DOF depends mostly on the following

1. Focal Length of Lens - Shorter the focal length greater is the DOF
2. Aperture of Lens – Higher the Aperture (smaller f-stop) smaller the DOF
3. Distance of Subject from the Lens – Less the distance, less is the DOF

So, if you don't have a High aperture Lens, try to have a good distance between the subject and the background and get as close as possible to your subject and take the shot, of course with the maximum aperture (Min F-stop) your Camera/Lens allows. The above photo was taken using an 18-55 kit lens with about 4.5 F-stop.

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